Bullying in School: All You Need to Know

Do schoolhouse uniforms reduce bullying? Today we're going to take a look at some of statistics, also every bit arguments for and confronting uniforms to discover out if strict apparel codes actually do protect kids.

Do school uniforms reduce bullying? Today we're going to take a look at some of statistics, as well as arguments for and against uniforms to find out if strict dress codes really do protect kids.

To understand whether school uniforms reduce bullying, we have to understand why kids go bullied in the first place. Bullying in schools is oftentimes happening and often takes place right under our nose. It oftentimes starts off slowly, and then increases as the slap-up figures out that his words or deportment can become to his victim.  Information technology tin can begin out subtle with a annotate, a await, or hateful-spirited laughter that leaves a kid'due south self-esteem in a puddle.

Oft, those hateful-spirit comments focus on the victim's overall looks, including what they are wearing. For example, more affluent girls wearing designer wearable may pick on another girl who can't beget fancy clothes. Many public schools across the US feel like they've come up with the perfect solution: stick everyone in the aforementioned outfits! Does it really work, though? Let's find out!

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Do Schoolhouse Uniforms Reduce Bullying: Statistics You Need to Know

What Are the Chances Your Kid Will Experience Bullying?

Let's beginning with some basics. How many kids are actually being bullied? How do we help our children avoid existence bullied? Some of the bullying statistics according to a national survey reported on Greatschools.org  are staggering. Here are some of the highlights:

  • 28% of students in this survey reported that in the last half dozen months they had been bullied either verbally or physically.
  • 60% of students who were identified every bit bullies in grades vi to nine went on to have at least ane criminal conviction by the fourth dimension they turned 24
  • Schoolhouse intervention programs (which includes school uniforms) are reported at reducing bullying by 30-fifty%

Then, we know bullying is obviously a big issue with schools and parents looking for answers!  Uniforms are i of the tactics that some schools are trying. Those who are for schoolhouse uniforms believe that they create equality. If everyone is wearing the same outfit, then no ane can use clothing to isolate or pick on another student.

Not everyone agrees with this move, though.  Both parents and students have mixed responses when asked "Practise Schoolhouse Uniforms Prevent Bullying?"

Experts also have mixed feelings. Tony Volk, an acquaintance professor at Brock Academy, has done all-encompassing research on the subject. According to his studies, he institute that in that location is no evidence that schoolhouse uniforms reduce bullying statistics. Like many, he feels that bullies will simply find another style to judge status.

Here's the matter to consider when trying to figure out if uniforms reduce schoolhouse bullying: is every child likewise wearing the aforementioned shoes? Are they wearing the same socks? Do they all have the aforementioned backpacks? The aforementioned dejeuner boxes? The aforementioned folders, pencils, erasers? Exercise they all LOOK the same? Accept the aforementioned color hair? The same facial features? The same peak, weight, voice? The same thoughts?

Encounter, parents and students who are against uniforms argue that while clothing definitely CAN come into play during bullying, it's only a tiny piece of the puzzle. Bullies choose their victims by finding a target that will give them the almost gratification. Someone that will respond to their taunts and teasing, someone who volition make them feel bigger and more powerful. A girl wearing final year's jeans who only doesn't intendance what others think of her isn't a adept target. On the other paw, a girl could be wearing all the correct trends and still be a target because she provides the bully with the gratification of reacting to teasing.

What Exercise Schools Call up Most Schoolhouse Uniforms?

More and more than public schools are jumping on the school uniform trend. The National Clan of Elementary School Principals reports that 49% of elementary schools either have a uniform currently or take a programme to implement school uniforms

Principals in Unproblematic schools with a uniform policy overwhelmingly feel that information technology has made a positive impact on some of the following issues in their school:

  • Classroom Discipline- 85%
  • Community Image- 83%
  • Student Condom -79%
  • Pupil Accomplishment- 64%

A schoolhouse district in North Jersey is reporting that implementing school uniforms is straight reducing bullying. At this schoolhouse, even students are commenting direct that uniforms are decreasing bullying.

What Do Universities Say About School Uniforms?

There are other studies being conducted at various universities that discover that uniforms are non direct impacting bullying or accomplishment. For instance, I found several studies cited on Procon.org In a national survey of 10th graders, a folklore professor at Virginia Tech establish: ""no effects of uniforms on absenteeism, behavioral problems (fights, suspensions, etc.), or substance use on campus" and "no furnishings" on "pro-school attitudes, bookish preparedness, and peer attitudes toward school." A similar study from a professor at Syracuse University in New York found no stats that showed uniforms and any achievement.

School Uniforms Statistics

We've discussed what parents, schools, and fifty-fifty universities think about whether school uniforms reduce bullying, at present let's look at some of the statistics about uniforms.

  • Parents in the Us spend most $1,300,000,000 on uniforms each year. That's $i.3 BILLION (in case you don't want to count the zeros!).
  • Average annual price to parents for school uniforms is around $249
  • 20% of uncomplicated schools require uniforms, versus 12% of high schools
  • A survey of kids in Nevada found that ninety% of kids are confronting uniforms (statistics may vary by state)
  • 41% of kids did say that uniform policies reduced gang activeness in their schools
  • Studies show that uniforms reduce absence by a half a twenty-four hour period each year.
  • Uniforms seem to accept no real impact on school scores. Math scores increased by less than 0.01% and reading scores really went down.

As for hard statistics on whether uniforms reduce bullying, the jury is nonetheless out. The studies and then far have been fairly express in scope, focusing on one boondocks or even a single school. I written report in Long Embankment, California, showed that uniforms reduced school crime by 36%.

On the other mitt, a larger-scale study performed by the University of Notre Dame found that uniforms non only did nothing to reduce behavioral problems but actually had a negative touch on student achievements.

Many public schools only recently instituted uniform policies, so it will take some time to effigy out the true touch on and gather hard statistics.

What Do You lot Retrieve Almost School Uniforms And Bullying?

I discover the data and example studies on this issue show two sides of the story. On one hand, we accept educators who are saying that uniforms are making a difference. On the other hand, we accept experts who are telling usa that the numbers don't all necessarily add up. Information technology is a trade-off, and while I am all for pedagogy students to prepare for the challenges of the workforce, I don't know that restricting what they wear to a uniform is working based on the data above.

Do our educational leaders, such every bit principals, want to believe that uniforms are making a difference in bullying at schools, or practise uniforms making a divergence? Are the findings at universities spot on, or are school uniform and bullying research statistics influenced by something else? Tell me your thoughts in the comments!


Source: https://www.ourfamilyworld.com/bullying-and-cyberbullying/bullying-prevention-bullying-and-cyberbullying/school-uniforms-and-bullying-statistics-they-dont-want-you-to-see/

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